Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to Reality

Man.  I feel like I got a shit ton of stuff done today.  Went to school.  Got caught up.  Stopped at the store on the way home and got a bunch of yummy healthy food.  Dozed for awhile.  Made a big salad for dinner, with chicken, which I couldn't finish.  Oh, and I worked out at school today, even though I didn't have my anatomy lab.  I did half an hour on the stair machine and another 20 on the elliptical on the highest resistance I could get it on.  Then I went downstairs and used every arm and leg machine in the ladies weight room.  I could do that every day, I think.  I really liked it, and I felt really good afterward.  I'll need to figure out how to condense the work out so that I can do it in the time I have between class and lab, though.  Maybe one day will be arms and the other will be legs or something.

I just vacuumed my bedroom.  It looked like it wasn't sucking, so I checker the bar on the bottom and it was unable to move from all the hair on it.  Holy shit.  I have had it what, two weeks?  I know Linda vacuumed the entire house - and I am nearly positive she even did the basement - but I wasn't expecting it to be that bad.  But I cleaned it off and everything was working fine.

I am exhausted.  I am getting into bed now, to snuggle with my puppy on this chilly, rainy night.  Work tomorrow, which means homework and getting back into Lost.  I'm kind of excited, actually.

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