Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Caffeine and Vitamin B6

Well I woke up today totally prepared to be in a bad mood all day but that just didn't happen. I was awakened at 5:30am when Linda got up to go to her early-morning exercise class. She wasn't excessively noisy, I think I'm just hyperaware when I sleep lately. It's driving me nuts. I just want to get a good night of sleep! Instead of falling back asleep (despite trying for almost an hour) I decided to watch an episode of Lost until I had to get up. I had to argue with myself about not just staying home to sleep, but I had a doctor's appointment this morning and they charge you $30 if you don't show up and don't cancel. So I go up, got ready, and went. The doctor's appointment took way too long and I had to have blood drawn and give a urine sample so it took even longer and I was late for class. I had planned to stop in at the student center and grab an energy drink anyway, but on my way in there, they were handing out free bottles of 5-hour energy, so I grabbed a couple, then got a Rockstar anyway. I got to class just as the prof put the in-class assignment up, so I attached my note from the health center to my work just in case. I drank the 5-hour energy then, and saved the Rockstar for Judaism. Which required it because damn that class is difficult to concentrate in. I ran back over the the student center to grab another bottle or two of 5-hour energy and then hit the gym. Someone was on the stair machine so I just hit the elliptical really hard for 20 minutes and planned to do more weight-liftin instead. I did so much I felt like I was going to throw up, which also means I got a good work out. I had to leave at that point so I just sat outside before my lab to cool off. Lab was just a review session in preparation for the first test on Thursday, so I got as much out of it as I could and I feel reasonably prepared. I plan to do some more studying of things I don't know perfectly at work tomorrow. I got home, and needed to check the mail because Kate sent me something about a week ago, so I decided to take the dogs - all three - up to the park to run around. Nali wouldn't listen and Rainey almost got hit by a car but we got home alive and in one piece. I cleaned up the kitchen and then sat down Nfld awhile. Made myself a chicken, onion and Swiss cheese sandwich for dinner, did my ab work and hopped in the shower. Oh yeah and called my mom to check in with her to make sure she's doing okay. She is, but she's gotten whatever cold or flu bug the kids came over with this week. And turns out the truck needs a new engine so they are pretty much permanently with jus one vehicle. Which sucks and stresses me out. My parents need a break so badly and they just can't get one. So I am going to go to bed now. My mom suggested I use cotton in my wars and use my sleeping mask to ensure less stimulation from the world to wake me up. I'm trying it.

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